Not sure what exactly this is...

I've known Mike for the last 13 years, I've worked with him and campaigned for and with him. If you guys actually wanted to go after him, go after him on merits. The problem is that.. you can't. He has a great track record, and Georgia's back, and the grassroots support him...

If Brian Jack or Mike Dugan, whichever candidate is paying for this sham "news site," really wants to attack Mike Crane, Phillip Singleton, or Jim Bennett (Three great patriots whom I've had the pleasure to meet), they should just come out and do it. At least admit this isn't actually news; this is just an attack ad.

Remove me from your email list, stop practicing dirty politics, and start confronting people to their face, not behind some sham site.

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This piece doesn’t sound very truthful, not a lot of evidence for the claims

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What about proof?

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Absolute nothing burger. You guys need new jobs.

“The Political Brief.” Do they call you that because your takes stink like dirty pair of underwear on hot day?

I think they gave a monkey a typewriter and he accidentally wrote this instead of Shakespeare

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This is the sound of the establishment, uni-party cage being rattled. This fake news entity was created 20 hrs ago on Substack. Notice there is no disclosure of the coward's name who wrote this composted pile either.

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